High Performance Permanent Ferrite Ring Magnet
General Description
1. Ferrite magnets are very hard and brittle, and require specialized machine techniques. Moreover, they should be machined in an magnetized state. We are equipped to machine these materials to specifications.
2. The corrosion resistance is considered excellent and no surface treatments are required.
3. It can be used in temperatures up to 80 degree C.
4. Ferrite magnet aside from resistance to demagnetization, has the popular advantage of low cost.
5. The sort of hard ferrite magnets are manifold and complete. They are charcoal grey, in color and usually appear in the forms of toroid, circular disk, square, bar, arc segment, blocks, rings, cylinders special magnets etc.
Ferrite Magnet Applcation:
The permanent ferrites magnet have character of various specifications, cheapness, etc. They are widely used in very sorts of motors, electro-acoustic, magnetic force machines, duplicators, magnetron fields, household apparatus, magnetic couplings, for sensing, loudspeakers, holding-magnet systerm, crafts, magnetic therapy, novelties and toys.
For more detail info, please feel free to visit our website or inquire us at any of your convenience.